At NCKU of the things we talked about as a group was cultural differences that are not plainly obvious. One difference I have picked up on is facial cues and gestures are not interpreted the same way here. This has stood out to me particularly when walking in crowded areas. When someone is trying to walk past me on a narrow sidewalk, I try to point with my eyes or by moving my head to indicate which way I want to go, so we can pass by one another without bumping shoulders. It seems like we make I contact and I think I have made myself clear, but they always seem do the opposite of what I expected. I think somehow the meaning of these gestures is flipped a complete 180 degrees. I encountered the same issue as a pedestrian trying to signal that I will yield to a car. I waved and nodded my head for the car to pass by, but they misunderstood and stopped for me instead. It makes me wonder where the cultural boundaries of these gestures are. I mean how far from Taiwan would I need to travel ...